Welcome Back!,
After careful consideration and many requested I decided to ask a question with a very simple YES or NO response. I have been asked by different people where can I buy “VJAY STUFF” from? Initially I was humbled by that question and simply replied with, “well, there isn’t any.” After I’ve been asked by many people and after I have filled a few special request, I decided to revisit that initial question I was asked. As a result, I wanted to see, if this was a good idea of not. Should I create “VJAY STUFF.” This would include items like: buttons, magnets, pictures, t0shirts, desk calendars, coffee mugs, pens, note pads, etc… The idea baffles me a bit that someone would want to drink coffee or tea out of a coffee mug with a picture of me on it lol, but after being asked 5 times, I figured why not give it a try. Before I do I wanted to do a quick poll to see how many ppl would be interested in buying “VJAY STUFF” and what exactly would you like to see.
STAY Tuned I will put up two polls just to get a better idea of what my next move should be,
As always! I appreciate everyone who has supported me and my vision! Much love and Respect,